Apples For Your Lung Health

Apples For Your Lung Health - A recent study monitoring the dietary pattern of nearly 2,000 pregnant women and lung health check as many as 1253 people in children aged under five. Among the wide variety of food eaten and recorded by pregnant women, only apple consumption showed consistent protection against asthma.
apples and lung cancer
Children with mothers who ate four apples a week, found 37 percent less often experience shortness of breath and 53 percent less often suffer from asthma, compared with mothers who ate less than 1 apple per week during pregnancy.

Specific relationship was found in apples, and not on the amount of fruit that is eaten or on citrus, fruit juice or vegetable consumption, pointing to-apple specific effect, possibly because of its unique flavonoids, which seem to have a beneficial effect on lung function in adult.


10 Symptoms of Lung Cancers

Lung cancer is one of the dangerous disease and according to the World Health Organization (WHO), lung cancer is the leading cause of death in the group of cancers in both men and women.

Work exposed to asbestos exposure, radiation, arsenic, chromate, nickel, chloromethyl ethers, mustard gas and coke oven emission can cause lung cancer, although usually only occurs in workers who also smoked.

Inhaling the smoke of cooking can also cause lung cancer, when in the long term. Likewise with the second-hand smoke. However, smoking is the biggest cause of lung cancer in the world.

If you experience symptoms of lung cancer as below, it must be vigilant because of the possibility of lung cancer.

10 Symptoms of Lung Cancers
1. Persistent cough
2. Chest pain and in pain when coughing or laughing
3. Shortness of breath and wheezing like an asthma
4. Bloody sputum, change colors and more
5. Often experience recurrent infections, such as pneumonia and bronchitis
6. Hoarseness/husky.
7. Enlarged fingertips and pain
8. Weight loss and loss of appetite
9. Abnormal breast growth in men
10. Emotional instability, mood swings, lethargy, depression

If you have symptoms of lung cancer as above at yourself, immediately consult a doctor.


New Drug for Lung Cancer

New Drug for Lung Cancer - Los Angeles: Two new treatments have been developed to extend the lifespan of some patients suffering from advanced lung cancer. The discovery of the health sector was announced on Saturday (5/6). American Oncologist (ASCO) says that: The first treatment involves an experimental drug called crizotinib can shrink tumors in the majority of lung cancer patients with certain gene variants.

Crizotinib, made by Pfizer Inc., proved to be effective in prolonging survival for most patients who take part in one phase of treatment.

The patients who had successfully treat lung cancer non-small cell with specific mutations of genes Alk, which makes cancer gene fused with another gene. The patients treated in the study average for six months, and more than 90 percent of patients saw their tumors shrink in size. Then, 72 percent of patients are free to do activity-six months after treatment.

Second treatment is a useful two chemotherapy regimens for elderly patients. The patients represent the majority of people worldwide are affected by lung cancer. Maintenance phase of the third trial, involved 451 patients with lung cancer non-small cell aged 70-89.

It also showed good survival results in the group taking the combination therapy. In this experiment, participants were randomly selected to receive one of the chemotherapy agent gemcitabine (Gemzar) or vinorelbine (Navelbine), or to receive carboplatin and paclitaxel (taxol).

For the monotherapy group, the average survival at one year was 6.2 months and 27 percent of patients are still alive, which is consistent with previous research. In the dual therapy group, the average survival increased by four months to 10.3 months, which is unusual in breast oncology.

Although this is a fraction of the entire population of lung cancer, for some patients who have this oncogene, the drug is a major advancement in bisdang health, researchers say. []


Turmeric as a Cancer Cell Killer

Turmeric as a Cancer Cell Killer - The British scientist that researching extract of turmeric that contain in food spicy curry. The first allegation, the extract potentially to kill cancer cell.
Turmeric as a Cancer Cell Killer
No kidding, extract it worked on the first 24 hours after consumption. Such chemical-curcumin-has long been known to have the power to restore power and been tested as a treatment of arthritis and senility.

Several cancer experts said the findings published in the British Journal of Cancer that can help doctors find ways of treatment outside the medical model now.

UK doctors hope the findings of more advanced for the treatment of esophageal cancer. Each year about 7800 people in Britain diagnosed with throat cancer.

These Cancer type, entered six major fatal cancers, or about 5 percent of deaths in the UK. From the standpoint of resources, Indonesia is one country that has many potential medicinal herbs. (BBC NEWS/GSA)


Causes and Prevention of Lung Cancer

Cause of lung cancer: Cancer has become a deadly disease, even lung cancer is the first killer than any other cancer. Tumor cells or cancer that grows in the lung experienced by patients with lung cancer. Cancer can grow in this tissue and can spread to other parts.
Causes and Prevention of Lung Cancer
The main cause of lung cancer is cigarette smoke contains many toxic substances and inhaled into the lungs and has been accumulating for decades causing mutations in the airway cells and causes cancer cells.

Another cause is the radioactive radiation, toxic chemicals, stress or heredity.

Lung cancer symptoms: cough, chest pain, shortness of breath, coughing up blood, tiredness and weight loss. But as in other cancer types, symptoms are generally only visible when the cancer has grown large or has spread.

Prevention of lung cancer: Avoiding cigarettes and cigarette smoke are also more nutritious foods that contain lots of antioxidants to prevent cancer cells.

Because the disease in the lungs primarily caused by cigarette smoke, then you should immediately stop this habit, and do not try to start it for those of you who have never smoked. Avoid also to be passive smokers are even more dangerous than active smokers. Love the lung, avoid the lung disease, and you can breathe more easily.


Know Lung Disease

Know Lung Disease - This important organ is one of the vital organs for human life. Especially work on the human respiratory system.

Served as a place of exchange of oxygen that humans need and remove carbon dioxide which is the result of residual respiratory process that must be removed from the body, so the body's need for oxygen remains fulfilled.
Know Lung Disease
The air is very important for humans, not inhaling oxygen for several minutes can cause death. That is the important role of lung. Organ located below the rib was indeed has a heavy duty, not to mention the more polluted the air we breathe as well as many germs floating around in the air. This can cause various lung diseases.

Symptoms such as coughing, shortness of breath, or pain in the chest area may indicate that something is wrong with your lungs. By detect it more quickly, this will help for this disease is not the longer and worse.


Lung Cancer Symptoms

Lung Cancer Symptoms - The lungs are organs in the respiratory system, and referred to in the air-breathing vertebrates kitara system. The lungs function is to exchange oxygen in carbon dioxide from the blood system with the help of hemoglobin. This process is known as respiration or breathing.

The lungs are located inside the chest cavity, protected by the bony structure of rare and protected by a wall as pleural, pleural fluid-filled. Lung cancer is a tumor that grows in the lungs are largely derived from cells in the lungs. But lung cancer can also come from cancer in other body parts that spread to the lungs.
lung cancer symptoms
More than 90 percent of lung disease originated from bronchitis or airways into the lungs. These cancers can be called karisnoma squamous cell, small cell or karisnoma karisnoma wheat cell, large cell kasrinoma, and adenokarnoma. Karisnoma alveolar cells derived from the alveoli in the lungs. This cancer can be a single growth. But often attack more than one area of ​​the lung.

Only a small proportion of lung cancer, or roughly about 10-15 per cent in men and 5 percent in women are caused by substances that are found or is inhaled in the workplace. Some symptoms that can be seen and felt from lung cancer, among others: shortness of breath, persistent cough, coughing out blood, chest pain, wheezing, fever, and weight loss.

Usually these symptoms only emerge when the cancer reaches the final stage, which means that smokers will not be aware that he had cancer since a young age. Symptoms of lung cancer that often occur in the society is usually a long coughing in people who smoke, difficulty breathing, the sound has changed from the usual, and cough for more than two weeks in people who do not smoke.

There are several types of treatment for lung cancer are: surgery, chemo and radiation therapy. This type of treatment tailored to the type of cancer, the rate of expansion or spread at the time of diagnosis, and the overall health condition of the patient. Surgery is the primary treatment measures in the early stages of cancer. Patients who undergo surgery can not be switched to radio therapy.

Cure rates of lung cancer is still very good if it is still at an early stage. The problem is extremely rare cancer is detected at this point. If cancer cells have spread to other areas, the choice of treatment is chemo therapy and radio therapy. If cancer is blocking the main air flow, can be used a laser to the tumor arrested or kept open the flow of air with a stent or tube.
